Thursday, January 29, 2009


I came across 2 blogs over the past couple days that have inspired me. They are and 2 women that have gone through great trials in their life. I don't know what it is but I am especially drawn to people that have gone through really hard things, I don't know if it is because I have too gone through some tough things in my life or what it is but when I come across a story that involves tragedy and hardship and trials I am immediately drawn in. These two blogs have really helped me put my life in perspective lately. Over the past week I have felt sorry for myself. It was my 3 year anniversary on Jan 19th of the accident that could have so easily taken my life as well. For those of you that don't know my body was hit by a car going 40 mph, at only 20 years of age and loving my college life it was quite the setback. I should've been taken home to heaven that day, and the only explanation for how I am still here today is because Angels literally lifted me up over the car, I believe this with my whole heart because I felt it and I knew that I wasn't alone that night. The only thing that happened was my leg was broke in half and I had to have surgery on it. That was 3 years ago. It has healed very well and I thought I had full use of my leg back. Until the other night when I went Kickboxing and have been limping around the house for a full week in terrible pain. So that is the reason I have been feeling sorry for myself. I have had thoughts like- why can't I be normal and workout as hard as I want? How is it fair that I am only 23 and already in so much pain? I want to be able to run again, I want to dance and jump like I used to.... anyway all these thoughts were in my mind. Until today. and now I am ashamed of those thoughts. After reading two blogs about women that are so amazing and have gone through so much. And now my attitude has changed and I can't help but feel gratitude to be alive and to have such a wonderful life. After having 2 experiences that could have very well taken my life I have looked at life with different eyes. Eyes that remember every little experience, that take in the smell of my baby, the smell of my husband and commit them to memory forever. Eyes that try to remember every little detail about my husband because I don't want to forget anything. I don't want to take even one second for granted. Because life is so precious. And can be so short. But even after these experiences sometimes we forget and reading those 2 blogs really helped me to remember. Helped me remember not to take life for granted. Every single moment is wonderful, even if it contains washing dishes, doing laundry and changing poopy pants. Every single moment with our families and every single breath is a gift. Lets all make the most of it and live every second as if it were our last.


Dani said...

Thank you so much for sharing- I think we all need a little pick-me-up sometimes on the subject of self-pity and such. Now your blog is an inspiration for others just like those blogs inspired you. Thanks.

April said...
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April said...

So I messed up a minute ago and had to delete--too late at night:) Anyway, thanks for sharing--definitely some great words of wisdom. I really appreciate your down-to-earth, pleasant personality.

Jason and Katy Edwards said...

Sarah, you are the inspiration! Every trial makes us stronger. Strength only comes through our perseverance. My favorite quote comes from a Whinnie the Pooh movie, of all places....

"You are BRAVER than you BELIEVE,
You are SMARTER than you THINK, and
You are STRONGER than you SEEM."

Perhaps all of that is true because those angels are around to lift us up whenever we need them.

It's been a blessing getting to know you!

SISSY said...

This is the exact reason of why I love and admire you so much. You are my example, and my inspiration. I love you my sissy. I am the proud older sis who is so grateful you are in my life. :) I know why you are still here to do what you do best..Inspire and remind me to remember the little things and be grateful :) I miss you!

LauraBro said...

thank you for inspiring me Sarah--I came across Nie nie's website a week or so ago and just cried and cried---We are so blessed!!!