Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New YEAR!!!

Smiling at Mom!
Above- Cooper and Sidney Below- Cooper and Kate
Sorry this is a bunch of posts in one but I just finally got around to posting. It has been a great couple of weeks. I LOVE having my husband home with me. We have a had a great time sleeping in, playing games and just hanging out together. We had a really fun new year with some friends over at our house. I can't believe it is already 2009! hopefully I will be able to keep my new years resolution this year, usually they last about 3 weeks. ha. We have had some visitors with little girls that were born around the same time as Cooper. Two beautiful little girls. Cooper loved having them over as you can tell from that first pic he is so excited! And then the next pic they are linking arms, so cute!
Reflecting back over the year 2008 I have so much to be thankful for. During this year we have lived in Cedar city, Philadelphia and now happily settled in Gunnison. We had the miracle of our lives with the birth of our son and watched him go from the lowest of 2 pounds to now almost 11. What a trial it was to have a premature baby all at the same time of moving and school and having to be apart for a month, but what a truly remarkable son we got out of it and I would do it all again anyday. I am thankful everyday for having my baby at home with me, it was so hard to have to leave him every night in the hospital and to miss him near me so much. What a joy to have in our home and now I can't even imagine what we did without him. This year we also bought our first home and Devin finally got into Nursing school. Wow it is amazing how the Lord blesses in so many unexpected ways. Everything this year just fell into place and I know that we were truly watched over. I will always look back on 2008 and remember the many blessings and trials and good times we had! Now on to 2009 and I just know its going to be a great year!


April said...

I can't believe how big your chubby bubby is getting--look at that double chin--yeah! It looks like you guys had such a great time over the holidays. Sad we missed out on the fun!

Courtnie said...

Hey Sarah! Seen you on facebook and decided to check out your blog! What a beautiful baby you have! Looks like you are doing well...lets keep in touch! Love ya, Courtnie

Toni said...

He is getting so big! And he is SO cute

Brandi said...

Wow! Look at his little belly. I can't believe how he has grown! We were in Cedar at the same time. I wish I would have known. I'm so glad that you got to come down for at least a little trip. Darling blessing outfit too. :)

Markell said...

Oh my I didn't think I was ever going to be able to call him a chunk but he has made it. What a cutie.

Jason and Katy Edwards said...

You guys ROCK! Cooper's smile reminds me so much of Devin's! What a cute "little" guy he is! (Although not so little anymore!)