Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Joys of Motherhood

Today has been quite the eventful day. This morning I got spit up on twice and peed on twice while changing his diaper. Then this afternoon while I was trying out feeding Cooper (He has taken a liking to a bottle and refuses to nurse so I have been trying to nurse him once a week or so to see if he will go back) So while I was trying to nurse him he was kicking and scratching me and then in an attempt to get it away from him he pointed it at me and squirted me in the face with my own milk! So back to the bottle we went. I have officially decided that he likes the bottle and there is nothing I can do about it. At least he is still getting my milk in the bottle. Besides that I am letting him have his way on this one. Then tonight while I was changing his diaper after feeding him I was wiping him when he spit up a lot so I averted my attention to that to clean him up when he poops on me and all over his blanket. It was like projectile poo! So after today I have come to the conclusion that I need to wear a plastic bag over my clothes to protect me from all the baby bodily functions thrown my way. And I wouldn't trade it for the world! Being Cooper's Mommy is the best job. I wouldn't give away the opportunity to be with my little one everyday for anything. I am so blessed to be able to be a stay at home Mom. I love every second of it! even when I am covered in poop =)


April said...

Oh, Sarah! I can totally see this happening--maybe because it HAS happened to me! Way too funny! I love your attitude and just know what an amazing mom you are and will be. I've come to the conclusion that all the spit-up and "waste products" from my children keep me looking young and are a great "natural" skin moisturizer:) Give Cooper lots of loves from his CA Petersen auntie.

Grandma! said...

Thanks for the laughter especially this morning! Sarah you are too funny and thank goodness we love our little munchkins. I love the thought of skin moisturizers from the waste products of our young. What a novel idea. Maybe we should bottle that and make alot of money.
Love you Sarah.

The Ball Family said...

You are such a wonderful mom! I love reading your blog.

Kristen Weller said...

Isn't it crazy how suddenly you love baby poop because it means your baby is getting enough to eat! Steve and I have both been the targets of baby Josh's projectile poop. And he has spit up right in my mouth a couple times. But you're right- I wouldn't change it for the world. Plus- he is kind of past the spit up stage. Now he just drools all over everything and has explosive poopy diapers a few times a week. :)

Anonymous said...

LOL, I could not agree more as well. Like I said in my topic Tuesday...I do it all over each and every day again and again, WITH JOY!

fasdfasdsadf said...

Hey it sounds like I have some fun to look forward to! lol That is to funny, and yet something so gross can be so cute coming from your baby! Hope all is well! :)

Melanie said...

Sarah Belle!

You totally crack me up! Ahh it truely is a joy, isn't it! Can't believe how good Cooper is looking! I am loving his little chicken legs! :0)

Can't wait to see you...only a couple more weeks! YAY!!

Toni Dee! said...

Projectile poop must be a boy thing -- you're never safe when their diaper is off (and not completely safe when it's on). Love You!!!

Jan'l said...

This is awesome! I know exactly what that feels like. :) Thanks for the laugh. I think we could make a perfume or something..
You are such a optimistic person, i love your outlook on life. You are such a good example to me :) I love you my sissy!

Powell said...

That's too funny. And the breastfeeding thing- don't feel bad at all. Ruger preferred a bottle too. It's not for all babies I guess. :)They are so sweet and worth everything we go through.

Dani said...

What a great mommy story- so much to relate to! :) Awesome how it doesn't matter when it's your own kid.

Shana Lynn said...

Reading this story brings back some hilarious memories of Donnie pooping on Jayson... Poor Donnie was plugged for a few days, so we got prune juice..ya that definitley did the trick.....it shot all over the couch and jayson's lap. If Jayson hadn't of moved his head fast enough, he wouldn've got it right in the face too!!! HA HA Good times!!